Out With the Old, In With the New...................Hopefully.

Hello my loves!

I've been absent from my blog for much longer than I'm proud of.
And honestly, I don't even have a good reason.
Since my last post I've gotten a job and I keep telling myself that the reason I don't blog anymore is because I'm too tired.
I've been lying to myself.

I'm just unmotivated.
I have a massive list of ideas I have to write about saved on my phone and I've never gotten around to it.

It's almost MARCH already and it's about damn time I've pulled myself out of my funk and started posting again.

When I first started my blog I was so excited about it and I couldn't wait to share all my ideas and thoughts with the world.
It's about damn time I've done it.

I'm starting college in September and I don't want to make the last few months of my freedom insignificant.
I don't want to spend my time dreading the future anymore.
I want to live and relish the present.
I want to be happy for no reason.
I want to be excited to wake up everyday.

It's time to make a change and fight for my dreams.

Writing this post was totally impromptu but I'm so glad that I finally started typing it.
Maybe its my subconscious telling me to get off my lazy bum :|

I need to stop procrastinating.
Wish me luck lovelies!



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